By ACHMAD MUHAJIR | NIM: 2021009 |
Skripsi | S-1 Administrasi Rumah Sakit 2024 The community health center (Puskesmas) is is responsible for providing
first-level health services in a comprehensive, integrated and sustainable.
Based on the results of observations, we found that there were complaints or
patient dissatisfaction regarding medical services, namely queues for patient
registration, pharmacy services, and waiting times for medicines at the
Simolawang community health center. Patient dissatisfaction with the quality of
services provided is a problem that needs to be followed up. Because service
quality has a positive relationship with consumer satisfaction, high service quality
results in high consumer satisfaction.
This research uses quantitative methods with a cross-sectional research
design. With a sample of 55 respondents, sampling used Simple Random
Sampling. And using a simple linear regression test. The variables used in this
study are independent variables (service quality) and dependent variables (patient
The results of the study showed a significant influence between service
quality and patient satisfaction. The significance value is very low (0.000).
Indicates a significant influence between service quality and patient satisfaction.
The quality of service at the Simolawang community health center can be
considered very effective in creating high satisfaction among patients who utilize
the facilities and services at the Simolawang community health center. This
effectiveness measurement is carried out through a patient satisfaction survey and
service quality assessment. This approach not only produces a high level of
satisfaction, but also reflects ongoing efforts to improve the quality of health
services for the Community (Pastikan anda terhubung dengan jaringan lokal kampus untuk menampilkan full text)
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